Terms and Conditions

Tarmeez Tech for Information Technology provides the general terms and conditions in order to offer an integrated service to all its customers by reviewing all the provisions contained in this document and fully understanding all its content. The purpose of this is to provide all customers with information and technical services provided to them and to obtain their approval before concluding any contract or agreement for the company to provide one of its services to the customer. Additionally, the Tarmeez Tech team reserves the right to accept or reject providing any of the offered services without reverting to or notifying the customer.

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General Terms and Conditions

  • Markez Tech Company is concerned with the fair usage policy in the services provided through the network and has the right to take all measures against any violation that affects the quality of the service provided through the company and has many ways to know the volume of consumption and the permissible limit.
  • It is not permissible to violate Islamic law, as well as not to violate the law of the country of residence and post any content that violates public morals. In the event of any violation being proven, Markemtech has the right to stop the service provided without notice or referring to the customer who owns the service, and the customer is not entitled to any compensation as a result of non-compliance with the rules. Specified by TK encoding.
  • Commitment to pay all specified fees for renewal before the end of the grace period, proof of completion of the payment process, and notification of technical support thereof.
  • Markez Tech is not responsible for concluding any agreement outside the scope of the means of communication specified by the company and indicated in the phone numbers assigned to the company as well as the e-mail announced by Markez Tech.
  • In the event of delay in paying the fees, alerts will be automatically sent to the customer via his email. In the event of non-compliance with payment, the service will be automatically stopped and not operated until the fees are paid. The company is not responsible for interruption of the service in the event of delayed payment.
  • Record all messages and calls to ensure the best service is provided and refer to them when needed.
  • There are many free features that cannot be exchanged and can be paid for instead, such as mobile messages, direct conversations, and other various features and additions.
  • When the customer requests to reopen his account again, this will be accepted after paying all due fees. However, if the customer requests copies of his files after the specified period has expired, the company will request payment of financial fees in exchange for the service.
  • When the customer's account and the service provided to him are suspended due to some violations and non-compliance with the conditions, and if he requests to activate the account again, he pledges to be committed and not to violate the terms again.
  • Technical support for Tamarkt Tech will be stopped in the event of non-compliance and violation of the terms and conditions, warning messages will be sent to stop technical support for the service 48 days before the renewal expires, and the customer will be confirmed if he requests cancellation of the service.
  • The company is not responsible for paying the costs of taxes or transfers deducted from the project cost, and the client is required to bear this cost.
  • Difficulty in recovering payments transferred in advance, except in cases excluded in a written agreement in which the possibility of recovering these amounts is explained.
  • Do not offend the work team when the customer expresses any comments or belittles the company and its employees. The company must take all legal measures regarding any violation to protect the company’s material and moral rights.
  • The customer is requested to commit to paying the agreed upon amounts in exchange for providing the service in the accounts designated for Markez Tech or Cash
  • After completing all procedures and drawing up the contract to obtain the service specified by the customer, it is considered a complete agreement to all the terms and specifications agreed upon between both parties and mentioned in the terms of the contract, and any other terms not agreed upon in the terms of the concluded contract are not taken into account.
  • Prices are changed for the provision of services provided by the company or hosting, and this is based on the time of renewal or request for a new service.
  • The customer must adhere to all procedures required by the company providing the service, shipping companies, or companies through which applications are uploaded, such as the App Store or Google Play, to upload applications for a specific fee.
  • The customer with the service does not have the right to remove the rights to ownership of the design of Markez Tech except with prior agreement with the company for an additional fee.
  • The company provides continuous technical support without any additional fees, and also provides complete protection against hacking and maintaining security and privacy.
  • The company works to solve all problems through technical support, such as password reset, backups, email problems, and secure communication between the customer and the website.
  • In the event that the design or programming is changed without consulting technical support at that time, the company is not responsible for restoring the design to its original state unless a new fee is paid for that.


Tarmiztec Information Technology Company announces that it is not responsible for adding any content within the sites, and the customer is the only one fully responsible before any governmental or legal authority. The company is also not responsible for the damages resulting from the interruption of service to the customer, as the company provides all available services to provide the best service to customers. It has full responsibility for the professional aspect of technical work and addressing any errors as soon as they appear.
Likewise, the hosting provided by Tarmstiq is carried out in accordance with the standards of modern technology, and it also clarifies that it is not responsible for external backup operations from private servers, and also in the event of any damage to the information, the company provides another similar server with the same specifications within a specific period of time not exceeding five years. Days, and finally, the company is not responsible for solving any problems found in designs attributed to other companies and not designed by the team at Ramsetek Information Technology Company.

Contact Us

You can contact us and choose us to complete your project. Do not hesitate to send your request.

Feel free to contact us

We are happy to receive your call and are pleased to assist you, even if you are not our client. Do not hesitate to contact us through the following means:

  • 26th Floor - Screen Tower - King Abdulaziz Street, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

  • +966 577 080 109

  • info@tarmeeztech.com

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